Friday, April 25, 2014

Numbering Our Days

                My time here on the Africa Mercy is drawing to a rapid close. I am almost one month away from leaving here and heading on to my next big, but unfortunately very short adventure in England. As these ideas begin to form into reality over time, my heart begins the transition period from missionary life to home life. So many thoughts and emotions flood my waking moments that I cannot pinpoint one specific feeling I have settled on. I am happy and sad, excited and nervous, certain and confused. Only God knows where I will end up.
                A few weeks ago the President of Mercy Ships was on board. Don Stephens is a great man. He is the founder of this compassionate organization and has been working nonstop to bring hope and healing to the poorest of the poor in Africa. On the ship, we have weekly community meetings every Thursday night. Don spoke that Thursday night and he had a lot of good things to say. In his message he talked about the time he met Mother Teresa. The experience was very impacting for him. I am sure it would be impacting for anyone to meet this godly woman in person and come out of it having said more than just “ummm.” She asked him three questions.
                1. Why were you born?
                2. What are the pains you have/ are experiencing in your life right now?
    3. What are you doing about them? Meaning, if you know why you were born, what are you doing about it? If you are experiencing pain, what are you doing about it?
                From his time with Mother Teresa, he learned a lot about himself and his life mission. From that he began to ask us these questions. As Don has gotten older, he has recognized the number of days he has left on this earth. He emphasized the importance of counting your days. Know how many days you have left because you will not get those back. Don told us that he does not have that many days left and that he wanted to make the most of all of them. What does this say about me and my attitude towards each day of my life? Do I take full advantage of every day or do I waste some because I have plenty to burn. One day, hopefully sooner rather than later, I will recognize the importance of each day and not waste it doing nothing. Our days are numbered. What are we doing with the ones we have been given? The bible says that life is like a vapor. It is here and gone. Let’s make the most of what we have been given.

                As I start to close this chapter in my life’s book, I hope I can make the most of the days I have left. I hope that I can give my all, experience everything I can, and live life with the friends I have left on the ship. I feel my richest days are those spent with friends because I cherish and value relationships over most everything else. 

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